Passive Income Ideas: 9 Basic Businesses You Can Start Today

Now that we’ve covered what passive income is and what its advantages and disadvantages are, it’s time for us to look at the different ways on how you can make money while you sleep. Now, we’ve slightly touched the topic in the overview but that’s just the gist of what you’re about to come across. We will give you different passive income ideas you can start today.

Read: Starting a Money Lending Business in the Philippines

In this part, we will go into the topic of concrete ideas you can have to make money while you’re doing something else. Now I want to emphasize that passive income is something not for “lazy people.” As a matter of fact, they’re the people who work hard in the early stages of the business. That’s why you see that they’re chill, relaxed, and laid-back when the business has paid off.

Can I have a passive income without shelling out a lot of money?

Definitely! Remember, you don’t need hundreds of thousands of pesos for you to start a business. Moreso, you will see that you can find a lot of passive income ideas you can start with. As a matter of fact, you can start with simple businesses like starting a blog, a photography business, and so on. Although the topic is slightly misunderstood as something that grows and fruits overnight, well it doesn’t. Having a business that automatically generates passive income is something that you need to work hard for and of course, something that you need to spend on.

There are a lot of things in which you can earn money while you don’t spend eight (8) full hours working for that money.

Dividend stocks

Obviously, investing on stocks is the first option when we speak of passive income. Adding this to your financial portfolio not only makes it look good, it also makes you more of a business-type of person. Stock-investing is not easy, though. It requires a sheer amount of guts and decision-making skills. How stocks work is simple: You find a stock you think that will increase in value and you sell it at the best time. 

Read: How to Invest or Buy Stocks in Philippines Stock Market

It might not be as easy as it sounds because there are a lot of factors whether or not a certain stock will appreciate or depreciate. The point is, your profit could be lucrative. Why? Because when a certain stock increases in value, shareholders or stockholders will receive what is called dividend. It’s the money given to a stockholder when the value of a certain stock rises.


Owning a piece of land is a true gem today. As we’re all familiar with it, a land’s value appreciates over time. If it’s in a prime location, then you’ve hit the jackpot. If you own a land, let it rest because it doubles, even triples in value in less than ten (10) years.

Read: Things You Should Consider Before Buying And/Or Selling Properties In The Philippines

Another thing is that you can cultivate and fix the land. Clean it, build something and have it rented by commercial institutions. Getting a piece of land nowadays is considered a jackpot because not too many plots are even available in this time.

Start a blog

You can literally start a blog after reading this article. If you’re interested, we have different guides to help you get started. What profit does it give, you ask? Well I won’t even be writing this if it doesn’t pay good. Kidding aside, a blog that has a lot of viewers, subscribers, and daily visitors earn more than you can imagine. As long as you derive the correct formula to it and you gather thousands of people per day, you’re all good.

Read: How to Start a Blog for free

Sell products on your blog

When you have your blog set-up and you think it has enough volume, you can start selling products on your blog. Brands, companies, even standalone products will come to you if they think your blog niche fits their market. On the flipside, you can also endorse a book you’ve written, a product you’ve created, or whatever on your website.

The website’s yours, you can do whatever you want with it as long as it’s within legal conditions, you’re set.

Affiliate marketing

In line with making a blog and selling products in it, you can also resort to affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing, to define it simply, is the act wherein you partner up with a certain brand or company and earn commission by selling what they offer (services, products, etc.).

This is good if you’re focusing on creating a good blog that will have hundreds of thousands, even millions of followers. It’s passive because in the long-run, you won’t have to do anything to make money. If your niche is something that readers will always come back to, you can just sit back, relax, and let money work for you.

Peer-to-peer lending

Beat the bank! You can actually start earning money while not doing anything by investing in peer-to-peer lending. P2P lending is the act of lending money to people who need it without banks or other financial institutions.

Here in the Philippines, there are a lot of P2P lending companies in which you can start investing on.

These micro-lending investments could actually go a long mile. You don’t have to show up in office, you just have to put in investments and it’ll work itself to multiply and provide profit for you.

Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs)

By definition, a Unit Investment Trust Fund (UITF) is a collective trust fund which are comprised of many different investors which are in the currency of pesos or any acceptable currency. This pooled fund is operated and administered by a certain organization and is made readily available by participating in the fund. For you to fully understand it, you can think of the trust fund as a basket with a combination of fruits in it. The fruits in the scenario represent the holdings or the investors.

Read: BDO ERP (Easy Redemption Plan) – UITF Review and Requirements

There are many different types of UITFs in the market and as an investor, your concern is to select the best type of UITF for you. We will tackle the different types of UITFs in a separate article.

Rental properties

If you own a piece of space that is neat and is not being used, you can use that space to generate income. For example, if you own a condominium unit and you’re not currently actively using it, you can put it up for rent or for lease. By doing this, you’re not only generating income, you’re automatically making your profits from that rental pay-off your monthly amortization of your condominium unit (if you have any).

These are the simplest and most basic forms of passive income we can give. As a matter of fact, these things are what most businessmen start with. It may be confusing and shocking at first but once you get the hang of it, it’s going to be easy and you’ll enjoy the high-paying rewards of making money work for you.

Read Also: How to Start a Small Business in the Philippines

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