Are You An Information Technology Graduate? Be An Information Technology Officer – Here’s How

In our generation, technology has and is being one of the profound professions worldwide. Why? Because in every angle we look, technology is there; from our daily lives to our careers, we can’t deny the fact that technology is present. Although this is the case, there aren’t many jobs available for an information technology graduate. Many people think that the work done by these people includes a lot of programming and program-making. Little do they know that different professions are available to them. One of which is by becoming an Information Technology Officer.

What is an Information Technology Officer?

To give you a better idea of what Information Technology Officers do, they simply run everything and approve all kinds of technologies entering or leaving their organization. Moreover, they check and evaluate new types of technologies to be used by their institution for better productivity. One crucial thing that they look after is the security and confidentiality of their company’s (and other companies’) data.

They are the ones in charge of conducting reviews to avoid delays in the institution. Furthermore, they also conduct meetings with different departments in the company to ensure that all technological things in the company are in place. Information Technology Officers also conduct reports and data analysis based on the usage of equipment in the company; more like they’re in charge of inventory tasks.

Information Technology graduates have different options in pursuing their careers. They can choose to work in private sectors or in the government side. Nevertheless, they are an in-need profession for the betterment of both the workload and the workplace of a specific institution.

Read: The Best Career Options For Fresh Grads of 2018

How much does it pay for it to be an Information Technology Officer?

As per payscale, the average salary of an information technology officer would be Php264, 000.00 annually. Although there are professions that pay less down to Php140, 000.00 annually, to Php410, 000, the median and the entry level for information technology officers would be around Php22, 000.00 + bonuses monthly.

On the other hand, the Philippine National Police released a statement that says being a Police Inspector would have a basic pay of more than Php40, 000.00 monthly. This includes benefits and other allowances plus IT training in higher educations conducted in prestigious and known institutions.

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What are the requirements if I want to pursue the path of being an Information Technology Officer?

Read: Top Paying Jobs For Fresh Graduates In The Philippines

Different companies require different things but securing the general things like the Social Security System number, National Bureau of Investigation Clearance, Police Clearance, Tax Identification Number, and all other stuff can be the least expectation. Moreover, communicating with the company you are willing to work for would be the best course of action in the event that you want to know what requirements are needed.

However if you’re looking to work for the PNP, their requirements would be:

  • Graduate of any IT-related Bachelor’s Degree;
  • With Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Specialist Eligibility or Career Service (Professional);
  • At least 21 years old but not more than 30 years old upon oath taking for civilian applicants. Not more than 46 years old for PNP member applicants;
  • Be at least 1.62 meters in height for male applicants; 1.57 meters for female applicants;
  • Weight should not more or less than five (5) kilograms from the standard weight corresponding to his/her height, age, and sex;
  • Civilian applicants must have at least three (3) years as practicing Information Technology (IT) Professional;
  • Lastly, for in service applicants, you must have at least a rating of “Very Satisfactory (VS)” in the last two (2) consecutive rating periods.

How can I apply to be an Information Technology Officer?

Just like the normal path, you need to be in contact with the company you are looking forward to work with. However, if you’re interested in applying for the Philippine National Police (PNP) Police Inspector, you can contact them at:

  • (02) 723-0401 local 4504;
  • Facebook page: ITMS PNP;
  • Official Main Website

Choosing a path of where you’ve finished isn’t really that difficult. You just need utter patience and perseverance in capturing the job you’re looking for. If you graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology and don’t know where to go, we’re more than happy to provide somehow the best option here in our country. You don’t just serve protection to your city, you also help in improving the technology in-and-out of it.

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