Processing Red Ribbon Documents for ToR, Diploma, or Form 137

We had a previous article which guided us on what the red ribbon mark/seal is for, how we can process it, and the requirements for it. However, there is a somewhat different approach if you are to red ribbon documents such as your Transcript of Records (ToR), diploma, or Form 137. The process is not a whole lot different and in this article, we will be detailing to you the steps you need to take in order to be granted a red ribbon mark/seal for these documents.

To have a slight recap on what the red ribbon seal is for, let me give you a few reasons why it is recommended to have the said seal granted to you:

Read: How to process Red Ribbon Documents in DFA

  • Oftentimes, the red ribbon seal is for people who are applying for a job abroad.
  • This is to strongly certify that the owner truly owns the document without repercussions; and;
  • To prove that the document presented is genuine and authentic.

How to process red ribbon seal for College Diploma and Transcript of Records (ToR)

  1. First and foremost, you need to prepare some cash for the fees you might incur when you try to have your academic documents granted the red ribbon.
  2. You then need to produce photocopies of your ToR and Diploma, three (3) copies each.
  3. Duly accomplish the Authentication Registration Form and other forms that the registrar might give you for additional verification.
  4. Submit the said photocopies at your school registrar so that they can be authenticated and that they be certified as true copies.
  5. Pay the fees (it is usually Php100. 00 each documents but that surely depends on your school).
  6. Come back to the registrar’s office on the date they told you to come back to claim your now authenticated Diploma and/or ToR.
  7. Visit the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) office and submit the now authenticated documents.   Fill up the red ribbon mark/seal application form and pay the necessary fees.
  8. After the process, CHED will then give you a stub bearing the date when you can pick up your red ribbon processed documents at the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).

How to process red ribbon seal for High School Diploma and Form 137

  1. Again, you need to prepare for some fees that you might incur in the process. Prepare two (2) photocopies of your diploma and/or form 137 as well.
  2. Take note that you also need to prepare two (2) passport sized photos and certification of graduation for you to have this processed.
  3. Visit the Department of Education (DepEd) and file your documents there.   They will then serve your Certification, Authentication, and Verification a.k.a CAV to the DFA.
  4. After doing so, the DepEd will then give you a stub bearing the date when you can pick up your red ribbon processed documents at the DFA.

Having your documents under the red ribbon seal is somewhat hard work but it pays off especially when you need it outside of the country. Foreigners will know that you are the rightful owner and that this document is authentic and will leave you no questions asked.

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