
Renewing Motor Vehicle Registration (All Classifications)

It is essential to understand that licenses and registrations expire. This needs to be done in order to maintain the level of security and legitimacy of the subjects in question. From business permits, licenses, IDs, to vehicle registrations, land titles, you need to be careful in keeping an eye on the things that revolve around it.

Here in the Philippines, we have different procedures and processes in renewing different classifications of vehicles. This is done through the Land Transportation Office (LTO) which is the organization responsible for the movement of units involved in land transport.

In this article, we will be detailing the requirements and processes on how one can renew the registration of a certain vehicle. Moreover, the different classifications of registrations as well.

What are the different classifications of motor vehicles in the country?

Although we know that cars, motorcycles, and other public utility vehicles differ in terms of registration, let me break down the different types of classifications of these motor vehicles.

  • Private
  • Government
  • “For Hire”
  • Diplomatic
  • “Other Exempt Motor Vehicles” (OEV)
  • Stolen and Recovered Motor Vehicle

Private and Government


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