Rich People always think Northward

One common trait that you will find about the rich people in the world today or at any time is that they never think small. Rich people tend to think about the largest, the biggest, the grandest, the most opulent and so on. Not just that, they carry in them a supreme confidence that they will achieve what they think. This is what sets them apart. Rich people always look at the north, the very zenith of achievement.

If you want to acquire richness, you have to definitely emulate this way of thinking. You have to align your mind’s compass northward too. You have to dream big; you have to think that you can achieve what you are setting your mind to. Suppose that your life’s ambition is to own a chain of five star hotels, but you don’t even have proper money for your room rent right now. Should you just brush this ambition to the deepest recesses of your mind, telling yourself that you can never achieve it?


Not at all! Instead, you have to work in yourself the confidence that you can achieve. You have to think that this will happen. When you think that way – when your work in yourself the absolute faith that this can happen – it will certainly happen.

Basically, this Law states that if you want to achieve something and if your desire for that is most intense, then the fates itself will align themselves in such a way that you get what you hanker for.

Think there’s no truth in this? Well, consider it again! Let’s take the hotel ambition example. Even if you are living in a rented room right now, if you have a burning desire for achieving your hotels one day, and if you spend every waking moment thinking about it and every sleeping moment dreaming about it, then you are automatically going to take steps in the direction of fulfilling your ambition. Every step that you take will be a step in that direction, whether it is saving a $100 a week or whether it is seeking financial assistance from banks some years down the line. If your ambition is overwhelming, you are going to do stuff to make it happen.

It works. Rich people have proved that this kind of ambitious thinking works. Do you think Donald Trump would have been the conglomerate he is today if he had been happy with his first solitary business? Do you think Bill Gates would have been the richest person in the world today if he had stayed put with the successful BASIC software he designed with Paul Allen? Not a bit. It is because these people thought northward and kept thinking that way that they got the success they always dreamt of.

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