Roku unveils new and improved TV advertising experience

Roku is a streaming device that allows consumers to access movies, shows, music, and other media from Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Now, Showtime Anytime, Pandora, Spotify, and Vudu. Roku also offers free apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. While Roku has always been known for its entertainment features, they are now planning to take things one step further, and the company recently unveiled a new Roku TV ad campaign called “The New Roku Experience.”

What Is Roku TV?

Roku TV is an internet-connected streaming device that allows users to view videos from various online services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and YouTube. It is available in three sizes: 32GB, 64GB, and 128GB, and comes at a range of prices, depending on your preferred size.

How Does Roku Work?

Roku is designed to work with most televisions and set top boxes. All you need to do is connect it to the Internet and then plug it into your TV. Once it is connected, you can start browsing the web, playing games, listening to music, and much more. Roku also supports several popular streaming platforms, including Netflix, Amazon Prime Video (which includes both Amazon Instant Video and Twitch), Hulu, HBO Now, CBSN, Showtime Anytime, Pandora, Spotify, and many others.

What Are Roku TV Ads?

With the introduction of the new Roku TV ads, Roku is hoping to attract new customers who want to stream their favourite shows and movies. This is done through a series of short commercials featuring celebrities to capture and hold the attention of viewers.

In addition to the new Roku TV ads, the company also announced that they will be partnering with Finecast – and this is a change which could offer huge benefits for businesses and advertisers.

By opting for cloud-based platforms like Finecast, this will assist businesses in creating and delivering high-quality video experiences to help them to connect with viewers, reach the right audience, and drive real business results. Thus, the new technology Roku supports enables companies to easily integrate media assets into their websites, mobile apps, social channels, and email marketing campaigns.

What Is The Future of Roku TV?

Roku TV appears to be growing in popularity as the Coronavirus pandemic sticks around and time spent in front of a screen continues to increase. Not only does this mean that Roku earns a larger cut from sales made on its TV platforms, but partnering with advertising solutions means that it will now be able to deliver better quality and more directed content to its users.

With growth in Roku’s streaming and digital ads already, the average revenue per user is likely to expand as more consumers switch over from traditional TV. Their last quarterly update showed a market cap of $18.5 billion. Just imagine what could happen in the near future.

Final Thoughts

Though the new and improved Roku TV advertising experience does not appear to be massively different to individual viewers, the changes have the opportunity to transform TV advertising for marketers and businesses, now and for many years to come. With adverts on streaming services only increasing in popularity, there is no better time than the present to dive head first into the world of TV advertising.

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