Securing A Website Against Malwares And Hackers – Pro Tips To Consider

One may think that his website has nothing to be hacked for, but this is not the fact. No matter how professionally you are using your blogging website, it is worth to pay attention to your site security. Wondering why?

Most of the time a website is hacked not just to steal your data or tinker with your web design. Rather, it is intended to misuse your server either for transferring illegal files or for transmitting spams.

Would you like to see your website blocked or featuring tempered web pages with unnecessary links? I believe no blogger would like to get his website stuck in such situation. This can ruin all your efforts that you have made to make a valuable reputation among search engines to attract a potential audience base.

Therefore, it is essential to secure your site from spammers, malware, and hackers. In this post, I will reveal some of the most effective and efficient tips that can help you keep these security issues at bay.

Let’s decipher the pro tips to secure a blog website.

1. Ensure a secure login and password

The first and foremost door to get an entry to your blog is the login and password. There are several ways, including the Brute Force algorithm that can help hackers to hack a website. Fortunately, it can be prevented with a secure login and password. For this, it is advisable to change the default logins and create a powerful password that can’t be guessed with ease.

If you are a WordPress blogger, it is advisable to change the default login from “admin” to something safer and hard to track. For creating a strong password, you can use a combination of both upper-case and lower-case characters accompanied with special characters and digits.

2. Reap the benefits of SSL

SSL is the Secure Socket Layer that helps make the interactions between web server or database and websites more safe and secure. Thus, while sharing any crucial information over the web, one must use the SSL protocol. Hackers can find a loophole to leak sensitive information if an insecure communication channel is used. And, they can easily get an access to sensitive info associated with your website like your account details and personal information.

3. Set File Permissions

It is crucial to set file permissions for your critical file so that unauthorized eyes can’t access any sensitive data. There are different types of file permissions that can be used for various purposes. These permissions define whether a file is read-only, write-only or read-write, and are assigned by using a certain three-digit number.

Some apps demand the file to be set as “777” permission at the time of installation. However, it is vital to set them back to either “644” or “755” after installation to ensure its security from prying eyes. Thus, it is recommended to keep a check on the file permissions for the files used in your website.

4. Prevent SQL Injection

Most of the hackers try to steal a website info by using the SQL. Hackers employ a technique by manipulating the code and implementing SQL commands to gain an access to the database of the website in an illegal manner. If you have used standard Transact SQL, it will not be hard for them to insert a malicious code in a query and impact your data. For this reason, parameterized queries make a much preferred choice to buttress site security, and fortunately, it can be learned easily.

5. Validate your website

If your website possesses any form (like most websites), you will need to validate the fields to ensure a specific type of data. Like a contact number should accept only numeric value.

Form validation can be performed on the server side as well as browser. The value of mandatory fields can be validated at both the browser server side. However, the complex validation should be performed at server side only. Because if it wouldn’t be done with a great precision, it could hamper your site performance by inserting malicious code into the database.

6. Set automated backups

Backups can help you recover your valuable data if ever any mishap (like hacking) occurs. Thus, it is always recommended to keep your website backup updated. Luckily, there are several incredibly useful plugins available in the WordPress repository, so WP bloggers can use plugins like BackUPWordPress or BackWPup Free to allow the platform to automatically take the complete backup of your website within a certain time period. Moreover, you may also define which content is needed to be stored by using the latter plugin.

Backing up your blog frequently will not only give you a piece of mind, but will also help you recover your latest work even if your site ever gets hacked.

By implementing these tips thoroughly, you can breakthrough your blog security glitches and fearlessly run your blog. You may also choose to hire a dedicated professional who can work on your website security by implementing appropriate strategies.

Author Biography: Jack Calder is a effective person in the field of web design and development. He is working as Web Developer in Markupcloud Ltd, a nice psd to html service company.

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