Six Books that can help you with your life

“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” Filipinos are not very much a fan of reading; one reason is because teleseryes or telenovelas are existent. Books that are made tv shows and movies are mostly the content of Filipino television. Must not we forget about reading because reading not only practices our minds, but it also lets us enter a new world. There are a lot of books to choose from but what are the important ones? Here are six books that can change your life in the best ways possible.

Books that can help you with your life
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The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

Do you ever just wonder where your money goes? Or are you not able to determine why you are spending way too much than what you are just earning every month? The total money makeover is the book for budget.

If in any case you are lost in budgeting your money, try reading this book by Dave Ramsey and change your mindset and your habits when it comes to spending. Spend less on the not-so-important things and more to the important ones.

This book is also great for entrepreneurs because that’s reality – there will be months that are better than other months and the lessons that revolve here in this book will greatly help you in those obstacles you have to face financially.

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

Who knew there was a book to solve all of your everyday problems? Just a quick history, when this book was first published, theologians and psychologists neglected and blamed this book to be a fake because of its content. But now, science verified the truth and made this book one of the most effective and the best books to read by everyone.

If you are troubled by always being stressed because of the everyday problems you encounter, then it will be best to scan and read through this book. Remember that our brains are so powerful that even just thinking about things is powerful. Buddha once said, “What you think, you become.”

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

Always think of yourself being an ineffective person who does not progress at all? Stephen’s words sometimes make you think he is preaching but it his highly influential and is highly change-worthy. The book does not only help you change, but it also helps you to change yourself and other people around you.

The book is like a person who is convincing you to become the best person you can be by becoming less negative, and more positive.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

I once read this book when I was young and thought that this book is not for keeps – I was wrong. Robert Kiyosaki, an entrepreneur, philanthropist, writer, and educator composed books in order to help people to become financially free.

His words are true, financial literacy is not taught in school and it is probably the most important lesson to teach your children so that they will not become financial scavengers. It is a book that revolves around a story of a boy who grew up to have two (2) dads, the rich dad, and the poor dad. Both dads want the same for Robert, only they have two different styles and mindsets.

The Art of War by Sun Tzu

The Art of War is not your ordinary book; it is a literature that is composed of thirteen (13) chapters, with each devoted to an aspect of warfare. It is a Chinese military treatise dating back from the 5th Century BC and is directed towards those in war.

Some analysts say that it war symbolizes “self-pain” or “self-struggle” which is why this one is popular to people who are fighting battles. Although it can be seen from a lot of different points, the book is good overall and teaches a lot of things in the field of war and quarrel.

This book is also used to train soldiers from different cultures and to train people. Well, me not being sure with that, it is still nice to know that this book has influenced a lot of people.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

We all hear the saying, “You should not let your past, mess with your present in order to avoid a distorted future.” Yes, that is true but not in all aspects. This book by Eckhart Tolle is a book that only has one core message, to live our lives in the present because true happiness is not determined by neither the past nor the future.

This book is good for those people who fear their past, or their future. Although planning is effective, you should not be dependent to that in order to say whether you are happy or not.

These are only six (6) books that can ultimately be helpful to you in any way possible. Be sure to grab a copy of these books for your mindset to be changed, and for you to start living your life the way you should.

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