
SSS Digital and Online Payments: Where You Can Make Them

The effects of the virus disabled a huge chunk of the country’s workforce; even those that are flexible felt the need to adjust. That being said, it asked for the requirement to pursue and to proceed to digital and online payments for the Social Security System (SSS).

SSS Digital and Online Payments Beat the Conventional
This image was taken from CNN Philippines | CNNPhilippines.com

However, what’s making everyone wonder is with the question: Where can I make SSS digital and online payments? Where do I go? Can I do it all online; or can I go to a physical store?

You can do all of those; in fact, you can perform whatever’s most convenient and what’s easiest for you. What you need to have, though, would be your PRN or your Payment Reference Number.

Read: How to Pay Utility Bills Online In The Philippines

Getting Your PRN

There are various ways on how you can get your unique PRN. You can choose from the options of sending them an email; visiting SSS Counters and Kiosks; Online Generation of the PRN; giving them a phone call – among others!

If you want a detailed guide on how you can get your PRN, just click here! Now, let’s get on to the main topic!

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