“Study Now, Pay Later” Program By Cebu Pacific For Aspiring Pilots

Good news to all people who want to be pilots here in the Philippines. Cebu Pacific, one of the well-known airlines here in our country is giving a chance to all wannabe pilots with their study now, pay later program. A lot of Filipinos are aspiring to be pilots. Why? Not only because of the pay but also of the privilege of a pilot. It’s considered to be one of the more rewarding aviation careers because of its complexity, benefits, and rewards. But what’s stopping Filipinos from achieving this dream is mostly lack of finances. Being a pilot can be very lucrative but at a price as well.

The Vice President of Flight Operations of Cebu Pacific, Captain Samuel Avila, said that in order for a person to become a pilot, that individual needs to prepare somewhere around P2 million to P3.8 million for a 12-month training program. He said that in an interview in PTV News. “Pilot training is a high-risk investment because there is no guarantee for employment in spite of expensive training fees,” he added.

Why did Cebu Pacific launch this program?

You may be wondering why Cebu Pacific decided to launch this program. As per Avila, the blurry chances of securing a position in the aviation field is one of the many reasons why this program came to life. This program aims to help Filipinos to study aviation now and then pay it off when they start working. This is great help in assuring that you won’t be paying for something you won’t earn from. Especially for Filipinos who really want to study aviation and flying.

How does this Study Now, Pay Later system work?

Cebu Pacific will have a hand in the finances of the course. Successful applicants will then be employed by the airline. Once employed, they’ll be receiving salary deduction for up to 10 years to pay off for the course they took. Somehow, this will be an effective scheme especially to people who really have the talent.

So who can qualify for this course?

Of course, there are certain qualifications that Cebu Pacific wants in a person.


  • Must be a Filipino citizen
  • Can be male or female
  • Must be a college graduate
  • Needs to have a valid passport
  • No age limit and;
  • Must be proficient in English

Avila also explains that there will be a rigorous screening process in choosing individuals for the training. Afterwards, successful applicants will undergo a 56-week integrated flying program flight education and theory; this will be held in Flight Training Adelaide (FTA) Australia.

The FTA is an organization that trains for the fixed wing and rotary wing industry. Their goal is to produce future helicopter and airline captains; not just to train students to have a license in the flying industry.

You can click here to check our Cebu Pacific’s program.

According to Avila, the Cebu Pacific will invest $25 million in this program which will be in a span of five years. Each year, three batches (16 successful candidates per batch) will be sent to the FTA. The first batch would go there in the first quarter of 2018.

This training program from the airlines will not only be helpful, it will also be great business because producing worldly-known flyers is a privilege to our country and to fellowmen.

What do you think about this program?

Read Also: Cebu Pacific: How to Book Online and Pay with your BDO Online Banking Account

Source: Cebu Pacific

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2 thoughts on ““Study Now, Pay Later” Program By Cebu Pacific For Aspiring Pilots”

  1. My Son.is interested to avail fly now pay later program.He will be finishing his 4year Aircraft maintenance on August 2023


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