The Google Pixel 2 May Not Have the Best Smartphone Camera But It’s Close 

The release of Google’s Pixel 2 smartphone was one of the most eagerly anticipated after the success of the first incarnation of the Internet giant’s phone was released. One of the most impressive parts of the original Google Pixel was the quality of the camera and the impressive video platform included with the original Pixel. Despite the impressive nature of the Pixel camera sensor, it has come as something of a shock that Google has failed to add a forward facing sensor to the redesigned Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL. Bucking the trend for dual camera sensors do seem to be something of a risk on the part of Google as they appear to hope the quality of the single camera will be enough to attract serious camera enthusiasts.

Despite the lack of a forward facing camera, the Google Pixel 2 offers amazing picture quality which has seen the camera sensor become the top reviewed Smartphone camera with many technology review Sites. The 12MP camera sensor has been designed to allow users the chance to enjoy photography options similar to those usually available with digital SLR cameras. Many Smartphone cameras have a tendency to bleach out an image when it is photographed in bright natural light but the Google Pixel 2 does not continue this trend with its color rendering perhaps the highest-quality seen on the market allowing impressive images to be shot in the majority of lighting environments. Google has obviously tried to cover as many bases as possible with the single-camera included with the Pixel 2 as the details seen on an image taken with the Pixel 2 outperforming the majority of cameras in the same price range of Smartphones.

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Bright outdoor lighting is always impressive for those looking to take images of trips to specific places or family events which will result in high-quality images capable of being stored, printed, or impressing friends on social media platforms. Indoor, low-light photography is almost as impressive with the autofocus feature picking out the majority of detail in the majority of lighting levels to provide excellent results.

One of the problems many Smartphones have is with the zoom feature included on many camera software which does not allow details to be picked out impressively. The Pixel 2 is almost as impressive at short range as many of the similarly priced cameras on the market but does not offer a high-quality experience for users at medium to long range with between 4x and 8x zoom options losing a large amount of detail when used in all lighting environments. Portrait mode does supply an advance on that provided by the original Pixel but the blur of images using depth effects is lower than some competitors.

Video recording is another important feature many users will be looking for on the Pixel 2 which does offer an improvement on that offered by the original Pixel; one of the most impressive aspects of the video recording offered by the Pixel 2 is the impressive nature of the subject tracking and fast shifting between lighting conditions provided by this Smartphone with 64 MB of storage space.

Overall, the Pixel 2 offers a high-quality Smartphone camera experience with only a few flaws which are outweighed by the high-quality of the overall experience. The usability of the camera with autofocus and an easy to use platform add to the reasons why many will be looking to enjoy Google’s Pixel 2 over the coming years. The lack of a front-facing camera is a small problem for those looking to take selfies but this issue is not a major one as the camera offers impressive exposure and detail across the majority of interiors and exterior environments.

About the Author: Noelle Neff is a journalist and photographer with a growing reputation who has developed her skills working for major brands and clients. After starting her career as a photographer to help pay for her studies at the University of Miami, Nicole Neff expanded her career through her love of writing.

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