The Newest Facebook Feature, Facebook Dating Launches in the Philippines

I’m pretty certain that you’ve had a few too many times wondering how dating applications and websites work. Well, to give you a bit of a lesson, it’s when you build your profile and allow other people to see them. A few of these applications that started the industry would be Tinder and OK Cupid (OKC). The principle is basic: you’ll be asked the different qualities you want from another person and the system will match and find one for you and you will be allowed to exchange messages.

Facebook, on the other hand, tried to up their game a little bit and added a few new features for users not to be bored by the things they have grown accustomed to. On May 1, 2019, Facebook Dating, their newest feature has been made available in the Philippines.

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When was Facebook Dating a thing?

During the annual F8 Developers conference, Facebook Dating has become an idea. This was during the 2018 F8 conference. Initially, they launched it in a few countries and were exclusive to those countries alone.

Colombia was the only country where it was made available. Furthermore, they decided to expand it to four (4) other countries which included Mexico, Thailand, Canada, and Argentina.

During the 2019 F8 Developers conference, the feature was stretched out to fourteen (14) more countries. These were:

  • Vietnam
  • Uruguay
  • Suriname
  • Singapore
  • Peru
  • Paraguay
  • Malaysia
  • Laos
  • Guyana
  • Ecuador
  • Chile
  • Brazil
  • Bolivia

This year, the tech giant also made the promise that the service will be available in the United States of America U.S.

Luckily for Filipino people, it has become available on the 1st of May, year 2019. Facebook users who have updated their applications can enjoy using the newest Facebook feature.

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How can you get the service?

To be able to use Facebook Dating, users must update their Facebook mobile application to the latest version. It’s available in both iOS and Android operating systems so don’t worry; it’s part of their newest update.

Is it available in the Facebook Desktop version?

Unfortunately, it’s not yet available in the Desktop version of Facebook as of the moment. Unlike other dating applications like OKCupid and Tinder which can be utilized in a website environment.

So, in order for you to use Facebook Dating, you need to have the Facebook application; not Facebook Lite, not Facebook Messenger, but the Facebook application itself.

Setting-up the new Facebook Dating feature

Of course, this would be the ultimate question and might be the reason why you are reading this post. One you are successful in updating your Facebook application, proceed to the Facebook app and don’t do anything—not just yet.

  1. Hit on the more menu button on the Facebook application. This is the three (3) horizontal lines which can be found on the upper right side of the news feed or your Facebook homepage.
  2. Once there, hit on the Dating option. If you are not able to see the dating option, click on Show More. 
  3. Read and follow the set-up procedure that is made readily available by Facebook. After doing so, you can select your preference and later on, upload your Facebook Dating photo.
  4. Apparently, Facebook will do its job and make matches and suggestions for you. These factors could be dependent on:
    • The events that other people have been to;
    • Their interests;
    • Facebook groups they are a part of; and
    • Their activity/ies
NOTE: These options are available only if other parties allowed their restriction settings. If a certain user does not agree in opting to these matching options, then it will not be possible.

Last but definitely not the least, you have the option to push in conversing with another person by tapping Not Interested if you do not want interaction with that person.

Read: Customizing Your Facebook Messenger For Better Utilization

So would the inbox be the same as the Facebook Messenger inbox?

No, the Facebook Dating feature will have its own inbox which is separate from the one you have in Facebook Messenger. As a matter of fact, Facebook users will not be able to have a view of their friend’s dating profile unless they make one for themselves.

So, in order for a particular person to see another person’s dating profile, they, too should create a Facebook dating profile.

Facebook’s Secret Crush

Similar to how it’s called, Facebook Dating released a new feature which is called Facebook Dating’s Secret Crush feature. This feature, like Facebook Dating was also announced at the 2019 F8 Developer’s conference.

Read: How to Add Multiple Accounts in Facebook Messenger App for Android

However, unlike the new Facebook Dating service, this Secret Crush feature will allow people, users to make connections with the people who are already part of their friends’ list in Facebook itself.

So, it’s just like fishing out people from your friend’s list rather than finding people who might do similar things you do; or who might have the same interests—you get the point.

Is the Secret Crush an available feature already?

For those of you who might be excited with this new feature, it isn’t available to be used, yet. But to give you an idea of how it works, it will let you put a total of nine (9) friends into your Secret Crush list. Then, if you include a person, they will get a notification.

In the event, however, that two (2) people put themselves in a Secret Crush list, they will match and they’ll be notified that they were put to the Secret Crush list of each other. So, it’s kind of like telling your current and existing Facebook friends that you like them, one way or another.

The only thing that might not be good is that it cannot be undone—whatever you do, if you add a person in the Secret Crush list, they will and they will be notified that you’ve done so; there’s not undo button—unless, of course, you’re lucky that they will be devising that sort of stuff.

In this context, the Facebook Dating app is one thing that really makes Facebook want to have it all. From entertainment content, to messaging, even dating, it’s climbing up the ladder of the most important systems that mankind has ever had.

So, are you ready to try and find out what the Facebook Dating feature has in store for you? Do you need a program or a system that would be helpful enough for you to find the exact girl or man of your dreams? The Facebook Dating feature is here and along with some of its features like the Secret Crush, you might just arrive at what you really are looking for.

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