While using credit card offers you convenience and rewards, there are certain situations that using your credit card for payment may not be the best option.
In this article, we are going to highlight some circumstances when swiping or entering your credit card for payment could pose you risks so it’s advisable to be vigilant to avoid your potential pitfall.
Times you Should Not Use your Credit Card for Payment
1. The website address does not start with “HTTPS”
Make sure to see the HTTPS at the beginning of the address you are making payment on, as this signifies that the website is secure. If there’s no “S” in the URL, try to use third-party system instead such as PayPal so your credit information will still be protected.
Well, there’s a actually a technique called ‘phishing’ or ‘spear phishing’. This modus operandi involves the use of emails that are designed to extract your credit card number for an unauthorized purchase. As such, before you click on any link, check for phishing clues such as spelling mistakes, bizarre use of English, and logos that seem off.