Tips on Starting a T-Shirt Printing Business

If you have the love for cloth and fashion, why not enter the T-shirt business and live your passion and dreams? If you think that it is a ridiculous and a waste of time in our country, think again. The t-shirt printing business, that many of you are unaware of, is a billion dollar industry in a year. So with proper planning, execution, and management, you can ultimately grow your simple t-shirt printing business into a massive business renegade. Here are tips on how to start your t-shirt printing business.

Do your Research

Of course, prior to diving in the industry, you first have to be fully knowledgeable on how the business works because it is suicide if you directly dive in the ocean without knowing if there are predators or not.

Do your research and I am sure that if you love clothes, you probably are aware of how it works and I am pretty certain that you have a few tricks up inside your sleeve. So do your research and study it well – learn it by heart.

Plan Everything

Of course, you want to have a great plan in executing your business so before you go into darker realms, you first have to have a plan every step of the way. Gain a great decision and idea on what you are about to do.

Decide on your niche because the success in the industry depend on how well you can sell the clothes you will create and this often comes if you are unique and affordable.

Plan on whether you want to start an online shop first or a concrete shop. Take note, starting an online shop is easy but it requires a lot of hard work because you need to have knowledge in creating a website, knowledge in designing one, and you need to market it all the way to gain customers and at the least, followers.

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You also need to know the finances of starting this kind of business so you would not go broke in the middle of executing it. Ask people, observe other brands – that way you will have a gauge on the do’s and don’ts in having this business.

So yes, organize your stuff first – have a business plan that is realistic and follow it all throughout your journey.

Consult with different artist and designers

Ask master artists and designers on how you can put interesting and fascinating design to shirts and dresses. You will not go a long way if you decline a pro’s way of designing things so you start humble and from there, you can innovate and create different things to heighten up your game.


The majority of people who buy simple t-shirts look for the design and the quality. The design you should be aiming for should hit a lot of people in a good way so that they can be merry and proud of carrying what you have created.

The last thing you want is that a person would rant about you copying the design of company x – that would hit you hard and can even impact you heavily in a negative way.


The business quality is something you need to work for so that you can find it. The quality of the prints and your shirts should be flawless so you can expect buyers and customers coming back – you cannot sell a bad thing twice, remember that.

Create products that You will buy

Of course, you need to believe that your audience will buy your merchandise and you need to ensure that even You will buy your products. How do you do this? Well you need to create something that would tickle the brains and the interests of people like you – create a combination of design, uniqueness, simplicity, and sophistication *at a reasonable price.

Find partners

If you are already aware of the capital and the costs of the business, then you should already know that handling the finance by yourself is a bit of a burden. Aim to have partners in your business; partners that you can trust and partners that you believe can be of great help to your business and to your growth in the business industry.

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Start with good friends who you think have the ability to make your business grow and then go on find partners that are acquaintances, and so on.

Do not quit on the first few weeks

Success is something that you should work on – it does not come overnight. If you do not see sales during the first week, then come up with a different strategy or try to innovate more. Just work hard and set goals; money will then come eventually, knocking at your door.

Try and look at other brands’ journeys; you may be shocked by how long it took them to have few sales – so never give up.

The t-shirt printing business often blooms late because there are a lot of competition ready to bring you down. But hey, some will help you grow so expect the worst but hope for the best. Just have fun on what you are doing so you can ease the pain of not having to look at sales in the first few day. Do what you do and do it well; have a plan and set goals for your business.

Read Also: Business Ideas for stay-at-home people

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