Top 8 Free Courses on UDemy and How You Can Find Free Courses and Programs

With the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) still holds a threat, we can’t do anything but to stay at home; or at least that’s what other people have been doing. But other than watching Netflix, watching TV shows, and binge-watching your favorite vloggers on YouTube; why not take this time to learn new stuff?

Top 8 Free Courses on UDemy
This image was taken from Pixabay |

Why not invest in learning for the time being? UDemy, is one place where you can get a lot of courses — and there are some that you can get for free! We’ll be helping you with the top 8 free courses on UDemy so stay tuned!

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Learning again

There might be a lot of things and activities you can do but learning a too few stuff can be something that can give you a lot of benefits. Most people associate learning with boredom without the idea that it can gain many different things.

Based on studies, digitally-skilled workers would be in demand within the next couple of months; to years. Since most, if not all major companies have seen the effects of working from home, they might adapt to it indefinitely.

Read more here: Digitally-Skilled Workers, to be in Demand Post COVID-19

Free courses?

Are there really free courses online that can help you learn something in a different field? Yes! In fact, there are tons of great content that you can start with; there are basics, then there are those that you can learn to help you land a job.

Finding free courses in UDemy

UDemy is one of the best and top-rated online learning platforms based off of the United States. They offer a wide spectrum of programs, courses, and fields that you could take advantage of.

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They have over 80,000 courses — but not all of them are for free. So, how do you find these courses so you could have access to the top 8 free courses on Udemy?

  1.  Decide which topic or field you want to learn
  2. Proceed to access Udemy and use the menu and find Categories
  3. With a course in mind, search for the course
  4. Click on the button that says All Filters 
  5. Tick on the Free filter so you get all the free courses

Now that you know how to find free UDemy courses, then you might want to learn any of these top 8 free courses on Udemy!

How we ranked the courses

In the age of technology, it’s obvious that the most sought courses and skills would revolve around technology, specifically:

  • Web development
  • App and program development
  • Web designing
  • Web consulting
  • Project management
  • Among others

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Programming 101

Skill Requirement: Beginner
Course Content: Introduction to programming as well as other coding languages
Link: Programming 101

Programming is not coding; in fact, programming is the exercise or the process of building a program. Coding is simply the use of different codes so that a program can execute actions; and programming is what’s used to build that program.

This course will teach you everything you need if you want to create your own program; it’s the foundation of every great entrepreneur and tech giant.

Read: How Can Programming Make You Rich?

AWS Concepts

Skill Requirement: Basic and Beginner
Course Content: What is Cloud Computing? Concepts of cloud computing
Link: AWS Concepts

Cloud computing is known to be the future. It’s defined to be the availability of the computer system resources; it’s what the future needs to eliminate physical computer centers!

Knowing about it and actually learning how you can get into it can lead you to a right path in your career.

Introduction to Databases and SQL Querying

Skill Requirement: Basic and Beginner
Course Content: What SQL is; information about databases
Link: Introduction to Databases and SQL Querying

Data analysts rely on their knowledge of SQL. SQL is Structured Query Languge and it is known to be the language that databases speak. Without knowledge of it, you might not be able to troubleshoot and get to certain solutions when dealing with databases.

This course is perfect for those who are looking to know more information about SQL and databases. It’ll walk you through some of the basic concepts so you get to understand it more. This needs to be in the top 8 free courses on UDemy because of the skills and the lessons it gives.

Introduction to Unity for Absolute Beginners

Skill Requirement: Basic to Beginner
Course Content: Workflow of game development, in-game technicality
Link: Introduction to Unity for Absolute Beginners

Have you ever wanted to create and develop a game? Well, Unity is in partnership with UDemy for this one! They will help you get through the rough patches that you get when learning programming languages.

Unlike when you study raw programming, you wouldn’t have a guide on how it’s done — with Unity, you’ll get it the easier way.

Read: TESDA Offers Free Online Courses in the Middle of COVID-19 Lockdown

Complete iOS 10 Developer

Skill Requirement: Basic to beginner
Course Content: Swift programming, 21 sections which is 49 hrs long
Link: Complete iOS 10 Developer

Do you want to create and develop an app in iOS 10? This course will help you! Not only would you be able to gain knowledge of the Swift programming language, but also the knowledge of building your own app!

Read:  Swift – What All to Expect from this Brand New iOS Programming Language?

You can use it to publish in the app store and you can be an app entrepreneur!

How to Make an Online Store w/ WordPress

Skill Requirement: Basic to Beginner
Course Content: Basics of WordPress, E-Commerce, and Training, Basic web development
Link: How to Make an E-Commerce Website

As many of you may have noticed, the industry of e-commerce has taken over and it’s being disregarded by a lot of people; whereas it should be one of the things that all aspiring entrepreneurs should learn right now.

Get the chance to learn how you can start your own online store in WordPress! No need for you to have coding or programming experience!

Javascript Essentials

Skill Requirement: Basic to Beginner
Course Content: Programming knowledge, Basic Javascript knowledge
Link: Javascript Essentials

Part of the best and top 8 free courses on UDemy, of course, includes the introduction to Javascript. Javascript is the language that is learned alongside C++ and Java; and it’s what most programmers use because it’s stable and it’s known as the foundation.

The course will show you how Javascript works as well as how you can deal with and start a project with it.

Hyperthinking: Improve Your Day to Day Learning & Creativity

Skill Requirement: Basic to Beginner
Course Content: Critical thinking, thinking out of the box, emotion control
Link: Hyperthinking: Improving your day to day learning & creativity

In our lives filled with a lot of complications and changes, it’s hard to admit that it’s something we sometimes lose control of. With this course, you’ll be able to develop soft skills such as problem-solving and being relaxed when making a decision.

Taking this course can help you get over a lot of things and problems with your life for the better; not just in terms of your carer or profession — but also your personal life.

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Note that these top 8 free courses on UDemy aren’t the only free courses out there — there are a lot more that you can try to search for. These are just based off of the trend and how it can affect your job-search.

Go and learn a new skill! You never know when they might be extremely useful!

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