Planning To Work Overseas? Here Are The Top OFW Destinations

We know and accept that it’s hard to grow in the Philippines especially if you weren’t born rich.  This is one of the many reasons why most Filipinos choose to work overseas; for better earnings and exposure to a different environment.  In addition to that, it also helps them learn about different cultures and this allows them to travel.  If you’re planning to work overseas, then you’ve clicked the correct page.

We’ll provide the top OFW destinations which you can see before deciding to take the journey.  Furthermore, the available jobs in these destinations so that you’ll have the idea on where to go and what field you need to work on.


Here is the list of the top OFW destinations as of this year (October 2016 – Current):

Saudi Arabia

Filipinos know for a fact that the middle east is a place where real money is earned.  The only challenge here is the adaptability and how you blend to the culture.  These are the top jobs for an OFW in Saudi Arabia:

  • Auto Electrician
  • Air Conditioner (Aircon) Technician
  • Barista
  • Carpenter
  • Cook
  • Electrical Technician
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Nurse
  • Plumber


Another middle-eastern country where most workers are Filipinos. As compared to other middle-eastern countries, Qatar has a more diverse culture; blending in won’t be an issue.  The top jobs in Qatar for OFWs would be:

  • Accountant
  • Air Conditioner (Aircon) Technician
  • Carpenter
  • Cashier
  • Cleaner
  • Cook
  • Electrician
  • Nurse
  • Plumber
  • Waiter/Waitress

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Just like Qatar, a high volume of Filipino workers can be seen all throughout UAE.  Unlike the first two countries, jobs here are not that of more focused which means some jobs can be just out of habit or experience; like you are not required to have accomplished college or whatsoever.  But still, it still depends on your future employer.  The available top jobs are:

  • All-Around Beautician
  • Cleaner
  • Electrician
  • Iron Worker
  • Manicurist
  • Nail Technician
  • Pipe Fitter
  • Piping Engineer
  • Rigger
  • Waiter/Waitress


Unlike the first three, Kuwait is probably part of the less-known country to work in.  Although the standards are pretty much the same, in comparison to UAE, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, Filipinos in this place would be a little bit less.  But hey, you’re here to make money, not to make friends, right?  Here are the top jobs in Kuwait.

  • Barista
  • Cashier
  • Civil Engineer
  • Cook
  • Hostess
  • Massage Therapist
  • Nurse
  • Pastry Chef
  • Waiter/Waitress


For many of us, Bahrain is one of the top places in the middle east to work in.  Even though our blood is not that well-spread in this country, they still choose to work here.  The jobs available for an OFW in Bahrain would be:

  • Accountant
  • Carpenter
  • Fashion Designer
  • Florist
  • Interior Designer
  • Nail Technician
  • Pastry Chef
  • Receptionist
  • Salesman
  • Waiter/Waitress


The last middle-eastern country, but definitely not the least is Oman.  Just like Bahrain, most Filipinos choose to work in Oman. You would find that most jobs in this list doesn’t really need professional experience or whatsoever.  Job experience and on the field would be enough.  But again, that would depend on your employer.  So the top jobs in Oman are:

  • Accountant
  • Auto Electrician
  • Auto Mechanic
  • Barista
  • Beautician
  • Chef
  • Cook
  • Domestic Worker
  • Nail Technician
  • Waiter/Waitress

New Zealand

Do you imagine a place where grass is abundant?  Where the total number of cows is more than the population?  Where crime is almost non-existent?  If you are, then New Zealand might just be the perfect place for you. Centered with cleanliness, peace, and high-income, Filipinos yearn for a job in this country.  Here are the top jobs in New Zealand:

  • Auto Mechanic
  • Carpenter
  • Carpet Installer
  • Dairy Farm Workers
  • Excavator Operator
  • Heavy Diesel Mechanic (Inspector Role)
  • Scaffolder
  • Vehicle Spray Painter

Read: New Zealand waives Visa application fee for Filipino visitors


Now Malaysia is one new country where a great amount of OFWs are wanted.  But it’s no surprise since they are becoming known and their businesses are spreading out.  Malaysia is one of our neighboring countries that need more experienced workers; here are the top OFW jobs in Malaysia:

  • Bartender
  • Chef
  • Domestic Worker
  • Factory Worker
  • Fire Watch Technician
  • Machinist
  • Sushi Chef
  • Technician
  • Waiter/Waitress


Even before, a lot of our fellow Filipinos yearn to work in Japan for a massive change in income.  Especially girls who can sing and dance, they go to Japan because of the need of Japan’s entertainment industry.  The times have changed and they needed much more than entertainment.  Here are the top jobs in Japan:

  • Caregiver
  • Carpenters
  • Electrician
  • Infrastructure Engineers
  • IT Engineer
  • Mechanical Design Engineers
  • Scaffolder
  • Secretary
  • Sewer
  • Welder


The last but practically not the least in this list is Singapore.  It is a saying that if you work in Singapore, 3 years after then you’re rich.  Why?  Because if you are an OFW in Singapore, you will want to succumb yourself to work and income.  Although there are no known-facts about this saying, it really depends on the worker.  If you would notice, the jobs in Singapore are a little bit more professional; they would look for people with good educational status and experience.  Let’s not delve deeper into the topic.  For now, here are the top jobs in Singapore for us Filipinos:

  • Cook
  • Domestic Worker
  • Early Childhood Teacher
  • Health Care Assistant
  • Management Trainee
  • Mechanical Foreman
  • Nurse
  • Nursing Aide
  • Operator Technician

If you haven’t noticed, most jobs in this list is located in the middle east.  You may ask why?  The simple answer to that is the reason why you’re reading this – money.  The middle east is one of the wealthiest locations of our planet.  It is then the reason why this place is the main goal or target of workers looking to earn bigger and yearning for a better corporal position.

Read: How to write a good CV or Resumè

But even though that’s the case, having a job in New Zealand or in our neighboring countries is not bad as well.  In fact, it’s a bit more practical.  First, your fare going to either New Zealand or SouthEast Asian countries would not be as expensive if you would travel to the middle east.  Second, the cost of living is not as prodigal in the high-paying, first six countries in this list.  Lastly, it won’t be that difficult for an OFW to blend in because our cultures have more things in common than of the cultures in the middle east.

But again, it’s up to the workers’ decision.

With this list, you would then know where to go and what you should focus on to earn the real deal.  You can plan on what you will do, invest time to be good at it, and then set the pace for you to go to that country and work as hard as you can.  Having this list can also help you decide on which country you want to work in; if you want to pursue your career in the middle east or just near our country.

Are you a Filipino worker who is currently on the decision-stage in leaving the Philippines for a better pay?  Or are you currently looking for a job outside the Philippines?  If yes, then this guide is definitely for you!  What are you waiting for?  Prepare everything you need for a job application and provide better experience for your family.  Who knows?  Maybe a couple of years from now, after you’ve made the decision, you can bring your family with you?

Read Also: How to set an Appointment for US Visa application

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