Unlocking your Locked SSS Online Account

Logging in many times with either the wrong User ID or password can make your account locked. That’s the same case with the SSS online account. After many attempts, your account may be locked mainly because of privacy and security reasons because the system won’t be able to determine if the person trying to log-in is really its rightful owner. In this article, we are going to teach you what further steps to take when you become aware that your SSS account gets locked out.

Basically, there are three (3) ways on how you can unlock your locked SSS account. These are:

  • By directly going to an SSS branch
  • By calling the SSS call-center customer service hotline;
  • or by sending an email to the SSS cusomer service

You can do either of the three and we are going to discuss all of those in detail.

Going to an SSS branch

This actually is the fastest way and the most concise one. You just have to proceed to any SSS branch near you and request for unlocking or resetting your locked SSS account. The only thing you would have to bring is either your UMID or your SSS ID. If you do not have any of those, bring at least two (2) of any valid IDs that are accepted here in our country.

Calling the SSS call-center customer service

Another solution to your problem is by calling the SSS hotline which is 920-6446 to 55 and request for unlocking or resetting your account. You would have to prepare your SSS number in order for them to successfully verify that it is really you. If you are not aware of what your SSS number is, prepare these details so that they can verify that you are the rightful owner of the account so that they can provide you with the number

  • Complete name including your middle name
  • Mother’s Maiden name
  • Complete Address

After getting your SSS number, be sure to take note of it so you won’t forget it the next time. You can now request for the resetting or unlocking of your account. What they will do is they will create a report for you. Within 24 hours, your password will shift to a temporary password which you will receive through email. So it is important to check your email regularly.

Emailing the SSS customer service

By doing this, it can take you several days before your account gets successfully reset or unlocked. What you need to do is to scan your UMID or SSS ID and attach it to your email. You can send a message to either of these email addresses:

What you need to include in the email is your purpose and these details so that they can confirm your SSS account:

  • Full Name with middle name
  • Birthdate
  • SSS Number

That’s it, those are the things you can do to succssfully retrieve your SSS locked account. What do you think is the process that suits you the most? Did your account get locked out? Do at least one of these processes and successfully access your account again.

Read Also: How to recover SSS online account

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