Where to Find SSS Receipt No./OTC on Bayad Center Receipt

Many of the SSS members trying to register online encounter the problem, especially for those that are not familiar with the system. We already published some article tutorials in this blog, including how to register and view SSS contributions online which showed every step with screenshots but still not enough  for some newbies.

Some are saying that the system is useless, but everytime I access my account online, I am satisfied with it. I am not affiliated with SSS, I am just an ordinary member like any other, but I appreciate SSS for making this online system and make accessible to all members online, although there are some flaws in the system but I’m sure they will fix it in the future.

One major problem that SSS member experience while registering their account is finding the right Receipt No./OTC in the receipt that they get after paying Bayad Centers. Since it is the most convenient and accessible type of payment method of SSS, most members use this method.

The SSS system only uses the 6 last digits of the OTC validation number found on the receipt while on the Bayad Center receipt it has 8 digits. All you have to do is to enter the last 6 digits and ignore the rest. See the sample Bayad Center receipt that shows where you can find the right Receipt No./OTC that you can use when registering.

SSS Receipt No./OTC

In the screenshot above, the Bayad Center OTC number is 0623Z792 you just have to enter 23Z792. The same if you’ve paid your SSS monthly premiums in LBC, although LBC uses their own Bayad center receipt you can find the OTC number labeled as Transaction no., see the screenshot.


People paying their SSS monthly premium via SM Business Centers are having problems finding their SBR number. Apparently it’s on the RS5 form that was left with SM. But you can still get the SBR number by combining the last 3 digits of your TRX number and the last 3 digits of your STR number, all found in the receipt SM gives you.

For example: TRX#000123456 + STR#0123456 = SBR#456456

Please use your latest bill receipt when registering online and make sure that it is within the 6 month period.

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