6 F’s to Achieve Work Life Balance

Do you want to know how you will be able to achieve success and at the same time wealth? Worry not, because in this article we are going to discuss proven frameworks to achieve what we call “work life balance”.

Stay tuned because here we are going to tackle relevant questions from the famous motivational speaker, financial consultant, and business coach- Chinkee Tan, regarding the topic such as “what really is work life balance?”, and “how will you rank them in order based on priority?”.

What is Work Life Balance?

You will achieve work life balance if you are able to manage the demands of your work and personal life, while prioritizing both. If you can find a way to fulfill your obligations in both areas without negative interactions between them, then you got the work life balance.

6 F’s for a Successful Work Life Balance

1. Faith

Topping on the list is faith. Remember that if we fail to have faith, all will eventually fall apart. Take note of the notion that, “faith is not about religion, but faith is all about your belief system.” Your purpose. Your core value. Where does your faith lie on? Don’t put your faith on your skills, business, or physical appearance, but put your faith in God. It’s God who gives us the ability to produce well. When you have faith- something greater than yourself, you will have great power, purpose, clarity, hope, and sense of direction because you know God will never leave you nor forsaken you. So, start your day by strengthening your faith, practice prayer, meditation, and gratitude. It will be easier to handle your challenges if you know you have someone to lean on.

2. Family

Why family? Because they are the reason we are working. Why do you wake up everyday? If your single, it’s probably for your parents, if your married, for your partner or child/ children. They are your inspiration. Your source of love. Your strength- especially if you are facing hard obstacles in your life. Let say you get home from work, tired and exhausted, all of those will be erased just by seeing your children smiling at you. It’s the quality time that counts rather than quantity time. Spend regular family time. Date your partner. And make sure to be present on the most important moments such as birthdays, anniversaries, or school events.

3. Finance

Well, how will you feed your family? We have goals. We have our needs like water, electricity, rent, medicine, education, health, etc. Hence, our goal is financial freedom. But it’s not always about earning, because sometimes, our desire in making money tends us to forget about our family. It’s important for us to understand that the purpose of money is to make our life easier. Make sure to use your own money wisely. Learn proper financial management, learn how to save, learn how to invest, and avoid unnecessary debt. Thus, remember that at the end of the day, it’s not about how much money you make, it’s how much money you keep and grow.

4. Fitness

Work Life Balance Fitness

No matter how busy you are, health should be a priority. Why? Because, what will you do with all the money that you have if you are not healthy? You will not have a taste of the food. The food will go to waste. Like, it took you a lifetime to earn the money, use all the health in your life to gain all the wealth in your life, when at the end of the day, you will use all your wealth to get back your health, for the doctor, for the medicine. Invest in your health. Eat, sleep and exercise right.

5. Friends

Like the song says, “for good times, for bad times.. that’s what friends are for.” However, you have to choose the people you want to surround yourself with. You become an average of the five people that you spend your time with. These are the people that share the same mindset as you are. Who have the same goals and dreams. People who will push you up. Those who will celebrate your success. Nurture meaningful relationship. Set time and connect with friends.

6. Fun

Last but definitely not the least is fun. Life without fun is sadness. Allow yourself to enjoy. It allows you to recharge, recreate, explore hobbies, travel, and appreciate little joys. What gives you happiness? Fun is an essential part of living a well-balanced and fulfilling life.

Here comes the question, among the 6 F’s to achieve a successful work life balance, which one do you lack and which one do you want to fix?

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