Do you want to know how you will be able to achieve success and at the same time wealth? Worry not, because in this article we are going to discuss proven frameworks to achieve what we call “work life balance”.
Stay tuned because here we are going to tackle relevant questions from the famous motivational speaker, financial consultant, and business coach- Chinkee Tan, regarding the topic such as “what really is work life balance?”, and “how will you rank them in order based on priority?”.
You will achieve work life balance if you are able to manage the demands of your work and personal life, while prioritizing both. If you can find a way to fulfill your obligations in both areas without negative interactions between them, then you got the work life balance.
6 F’s for a Successful Work Life Balance
1. Faith
Topping on the list is faith. Remember that if we fail to have faith, all will eventually fall apart. Take note of the notion that, “faith is not about religion, but faith is all about your belief system.” Your purpose. Your core value. Where does your faith lie on? Don’t put your faith on your skills, business, or physical appearance, but put your faith in God. It’s God who gives us the ability to produce well. When you have faith- something greater than yourself, you will have great power, purpose, clarity, hope, and sense of direction because you know God will never leave you nor forsaken you. So, start your day by strengthening your faith, practice prayer, meditation, and gratitude. It will be easier to handle your challenges if you know you have someone to lean on.