You can now use videos for commenting on Facebook

It has been a while now since Facebook allowed us to use and attach photos in Facebook statuses, posts, pictures, etc. A few days back, the social media giant already approved of the video commenting and it is now available for all Facebook users even for us here in the Philippines. Yes, you heard it right; Facebook stepped it up a notch and wanted users to attach videos in their comments in any Facebook post.

Last month, Facebook announced its new feature to be available on the coming days and yes, here it is now. Bob Baldwin, Facebook engineer said that the new feature was built during Facebook’s 50th hackathon just this February. If you notice, we can use and attach photos and stickers to comments and that was also achieved in the previous hackathons.

Now if you think that video commenting is rocket science, then you should not think of it as that anymore. It is simple as regular commenting; you just have to click on the camera icon where you are used to sharing photo comments and select a video out of it. From here, you can already select a video from your drive and upload it as a comment.


In smartphones, you need to have your version of Facebook to be up to date or else, this new feature won’t be working for you so double-check if you have yours updated and do update if you find out that it is not.

It’s actually a no-brainer thinking what app uses most of our time – yup, you guessed it just right, Facebook. Facebook has been one of the most prominent and the most powerful tools of the society. It first started out as a new technological means of communication but now, it is slowly becoming a weapon for people who want exposure, for marketing purposes, even for research by making or hosting polls in Facebook groups.

You know what they say, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” having that in mind, how much do you think a video is worth? Kidding aside, Facebook is slowly becoming your backer for any online activity. You can use it for news and information, you can use it to communicate with friends and family even if they are a million miles away, it can be a tool for research and advertising, and so on.

What do you think Facebook’s next big feature will be? Are you thinking of anything that might help us and yourself with this piece of technology? Nevertheless, Facebook aims to give its followers some credit by giving them a few extra important features to their arsenal.

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