4 Tips for Displaying a Smart TV When You’re Renting

Adding personal touches to a rental apartment can be tricky, particularly when it comes to large projects like painting walls, hanging up art, or installing new hardware. If you’re not careful, activities like drilling holes in your apartment walls may cause you to lose your security deposit. Hence, you can expect that most of your home improvement efforts will require a bit more creativity and resourcefulness if you’re renting out a space rather than working with one you own.

Where and how to display a smart TV is a major concern for many renters. After all, a quality TV set is likely to be the central fixture of most households’ home entertainment systems. However, taking rental restrictions, space limitations, and other factors into account can make displaying a TV in a rental apartment difficult. On the one hand, renters may be justifiably hesitant to drill into their walls. On the other hand, they may also need to free up countertop and tabletop space for keeping other items organized.

If you’re thinking about purchasing a shiny new smart TV but find yourself at a loss on how to display it in your rented space, never fear. This guide can help you make the most of your space without sacrificing your peace of mind—or your security deposit.

Talk to Your Landlord About TV Installation First

Buying a smart TV can feel like an adventure all by itself. You might find yourself getting caught up in researching the latest models, or searching “smart TV price Philippines“ online to find the best deals. Before you commit to any big purchases, however, it’s probably best to check in with your landlord first.

As uncomfortable as conversations with landlords may be, it’s ultimately better for you to tell them ahead of time that you intend to get a smart TV and prefer to use a wall mount to display it. Getting in touch with them before you start installing anything will be less unpleasant than having to do so after something has gone awry.

Ask first about your building’s policy on mounting TVs on walls. If mounting is strictly prohibited in your building, you may have no choice but to place your TV on the floor or make space for it on a tabletop. It might also help to chat up your neighbors with wall-mounted smart TVs and ask them how they managed without drilling holes, or how they intend to cover up any holes they did make when they move out. If your landlord does agree to let you mount your TV, they may just ask you to have any damage to the wall repaired before you leave.

Try Using a TV Stand

Renters who are pressed for space can look into purchasing a freestanding TV mount. These stands are probably the next best space-saving way to display your TV after mounting it directly on the wall. Peruse furniture retailers in your area for a sturdy pillar-style stand that fits your TV size and space requirements. You’ll also want to get an adjustable mount so that you can regulate the stand’s height for a better viewing experience once you’re setting it up.

A corner-storage solution is another viable alternative to a pillar TV stand if you’d like to use each square meter of your apartment to the fullest. A good corner TV stand will be able to fit a smart TV comfortably into any corner of your room while also providing ample storage space for game consoles, other electronics, and even decorative items.

Alternatively, you might consider buying a smart TV that already comes with its display stand. This option assures you that the pedestal you use is designed to bear the weight of your TV. Additionally, the detachable floor stand gives you more options for displaying your TV should you move to a new property that allows you to do a wall-mounted display.

Display Your Smart TV With A No-Drill Mount

Small apartments and homes may have limited floor space which makes getting a TV stand impractical. This kind of TV display may also be too precarious for families with small children or pets, as the TV may get knocked off its stand. If you explore your furniture options and come to the conclusion that mounting your TV on the wall of your apartment is still your best bet, you can try looking for a studless wall mount. Studless mounts are secured with nails, which lets you hang up your TV without having to drill into the wall. Once you move out, you can then take the bracket off the wall and simply fill in the holes the nails have left behind.

Position Your TV Directly In Front of the Seating Area

Though you stay mostly seated while watching TV, you may feel tired or cramped if the placement of the screen causes you to adapt to an uncomfortable body position. So, whether you ultimately opt to use a TV stand, a tabletop, or a wall mount, choosing the right location for your smart TV is crucial for creating the best possible viewing experience. For one thing, you’ll have to decide how close to or far from your TV to sit. While sitting too close to your TV may strain your eyes, sitting too far may make it difficult for you to make out the finer details on the screen. Experiment with chair placements until you find a comfortable middle ground where you can enjoy your TV to the fullest.

If possible, placing your couches or chairs directly in front of your TV is also best. This allows you to see the TV screen as much as possible without turning your head, as in a cinema. Any secondary seating you have to the side of your TV, such as armchairs, beanbags, and the like, should still be directly facing the screen.

While installing a smart TV in your rental apartment may seem like a stressful endeavor, planning and considering your options carefully will make it manageable. Once you’ve determined the appropriate display method for your living space, it shouldn’t be hard to come up with a space-efficient TV setup.

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