
Avoid These 7 Interview Red Flags When Preparing for a Job Interview

Landing a job, especially in the times we’re in now is something that most, if not all unemployed people want.

Read: 5 Tips on How to Find Jobs Abroad

With the pandemic closing in on one end, unemployment is patiently sitting, waiting down on the other.

7 Interview Red Flags
This image was from Pixabay | PIxabay.com

Whether it’s going to be your first job, or if you got laid off from your previous one, getting a job would require you the first step – passing the interview.

Importance of Interviews in Job Applications

You can consider all job interviews to be a game of chess; every time you are to speak, it is your turn to make a move.

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One wrong move and you could set yourself up in losing the game – that’s how crucial job interviews are.

You might think resumes have a bigger impact than interviews, but it’s actually the other way around. Even if you have the best resume, if you don’t do well in the interview, it doesn’t justify your position for the post.

In order for you to avoid these problems, you need to avoid these 7 interview red flags that could endanger your chances of getting a job!

Not Being Prepared

How you’re prepared for an interview would dictate about 30% of the results.

Therefore, if you’re confident that you’ll do good without preparing effectively, you might not be able to land the job.

Related: How to Answer Top 5 Job Interview Questions

Preparing for interviews is not a difficult thing to do. As a matter of fact, as simple as looking fresh, practicing speaking, and learning what the job is are enough actions of preparation.

NOTE: Make sure that you know what you’re applying for! The worst scenarios are when applicants have no clue why they’re there in the first place!

Negativity Gets You

In most cases, you’ll be asked why you left your previous employer.

Whether you left or you got fired, don’t think about it too heavily. Being negative can just worsen the situation and can make you feel uncomfortable.

It’s a domino effect that can make you look and seem nervous, leading all the way to the interviewer seeing you to be “unfit” for the post you’re applying for.

Make Relevant Eye Contact

Making eye contact is one way of telling the person you’re speaking with that you are listening and that you find what they’re talking about important.

Read: How to Follow-up on Your Job Application

Moreover, it can also imply that you are confident that you are in that position. It’s the reason why it’s part of the 7 interview red flags you need to refrain from doing.

NOTE: Avoiding eye contact, oftentimes is a sign that you’re imparted with fear; that you are afraid and that you are not confident with what you’re discussing.

Eye contact is one of the many game changers of any interview. Remember, it’s all in the eyes.

Be On Time – or Even Earlier!

First impressions last; good impressions go the distance.

Being on time – or earlier for your interview is a significant move that can make your image better in the eyes of your employer.

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It’s a sign that you care for their time and that you are very much interested with the job or the post you are applying for.

To be early on the day of your interview:

  • Have a good solid rest (7 to 8 hours)
  • Avoid drinking alcohol in the previous night
  • Wake up 2 to 3 hours early
  • Drink plenty of water before the interview

Tardiness is one of the 7 interview red flags because it will reflect on your future work ethics as an employee.

Don’t be Overconfident

Being confident is one of the many traits employers look for; but being overconfident is one that they immediately throw off.

Overconfidence is always seen as a strand of arrogance and you don’t want your employer to think of you that way, would you?

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“Overqualification” is actually more of a negative thing than a positive. You’ll almost never want to hear it after the interview. Why? – It simply means that they’re doubting on considering your application.

Be confident by showing the enthusiasm you have with the job, by being polite and friendly, and by considering the feelings of other people.

Treat Your Resume Gently

You resume isn’t the make-or-break point of your job application. However, it contributes a lot to how your future employer would throw questions.

You need to make sure that your resume is gentle; don’t include everything in there! Allow the employer to ask natural questions or to let them be interested to know more about you.

Scripted Answers

Probably one of the best things you can avoid out of these 7 interview red flags is being a “robot.”

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More often than not, people practice for an interview as if they’d say the exact things in a specific tone.

Employers and interviewers love hearing spontaneous and natural words from an applicant. It’s always a red flag if you answer monotonously or in scripts.

These are just some of the most obvious and the most common job interview red flags you need to avoid.

If you think our list is insufficient, tell us about it! We’d love to hear suggestions!

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