Fix Windows 10 “Critical Error” Start Menu and Cortana aren’t working

When I login to my Windows 10 desktop this morning, a critical error window pops up, it says “Start Menu and Cortana aren’t working. We’ll try to fix it in the next time you sign in”. When I click “Sign out now” button which is the only button available that I can click, it returned to the user login window.

I try to login with a different user, but the problem is the same. I search for a solution and I found out that not only me experiencing the same problem. In the thread thousands are also with the same question, how to fix this Windows 10 critical error.

One user has a simple and working solution that is easy to follow. So I tried and follow the solution, and to my surprise it worked.

The only thing I do which is also suggested and share with the user in the thread is to restart and hit the F8 while booting, I’m also waiting for the safe mode window to appear but it doesn’t, instead it continues to load in normal window like nothing happen.

I tried to restart and see if the problem is fixed, and it did, I can use my Windows 10 computer normally. I don’t know exactly what cause the problem and why it fix when I try to reboot using safe mode. The important is the critical error is gone and I also want to share it with you guys that also experiencing the same problem.

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