
How to Install Chikka Messenger App on iPad or iPad Mini

Chikka is very useful, especially for the Filipino’s, using this free app can send free text message or SMS directly to cell phone users in the Philippines. By registering a free account you can avail unlimited free text, the only problem for now is Chikka app is made only for iPhone and other Android devices. If you try to search for Chikka messenger in AppStore you can’t find this app.

But in this simple instructions that I will share, you can also use and enjoy Chikka messenger application in your iPad. Follow the step by step instructions below on how to install Chikka messenger app on iPad.

  1. First, go to App Store, in your home menu, tap on the App Store app.How-to-install-chikka-messenger-app-on-iPad-or-iPad-Mini-Step-1
  2. Next, search for “Chikka messenger”, you will notice that there are no results, don’t worry.How-to-install-chikka-messenger-app-on-iPad-or-iPad-Mini-Step-2
  3. To see Chikka messenger in App Store, Select “iPhone Only” to view the iPhone apps, see the screenshot.How-to-install-chikka-messenger-app-on-iPad-or-iPad-Mini-Step-3
  4. Now, you can see the Chikka messenger app, tap to install.How-to-install-chikka-messenger-app-on-iPad-or-iPad-Mini-Step-4

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