What Should You Do When You Try To Withdraw Money From An ATM And Nothing Would Come Out?

Withdrawing from an ATM is not really a pain in the neck; although it could be if the line is long and if it’s taking forever for people to complete. But you’ll see the gold in your eyes when you get the chance to be in front of it to withdraw. However, technology is not perfect and so, it has its flaws. There would be times when you will encounter certain errors. Errors like “Your card cannot be read, please try again,” or “Incorrect PIN, please try again” are the errors you would mostly encounter. These errors does not necessarily mean that its correct, sometimes, a simple try again would do.

Although in most cases, these errors happen on a daily basis. There are errors that would really stress you out. One of these errors is when you withdraw and it doesn’t give you anything. Have you ever experienced withdrawing and nothing’s coming out? What have you done at that time? Did you panic?

Some people might think that if this happens, it automatically deducts the amount from their account. However, there are cases that the ATM itself recognizes this error and does nothing to your account.

Read: 10 Safety Tips In Using ATMs

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas gave a few tips for us in the event that we experience these issues.

Write all the critical information at the time of the occurrence

List down the date, time, and location of the ATM where you did the transaction. This would be critical in the investigation if in any case the amount has been deducted to your account. You can also call the ATM’s hotline; usually, there would be emergency hotlines attached to the ATM for scenarios and incidents like this.

I had an experience before where an amount of Php3, 000.00 was debited from my account but it didn’t spit the cash out. I called the hotline and they told me to wait 15-20 minutes and check my account again. Luckily, the money was still there. However, I also had a situation where I needed to wait for 5-9 banking days before it was returned to me; that was an amount of Php800.00.

Keep the receipt or have it photocopied for proof

Keeping the receipt of the transaction can actually save you a ton. It being proof of the transaction can actually be your defense when you are being interrogated of the occurrence. Having it photocopied is also great because some receipts get erased easily.

Immediately contact the ATM hotline or your bank and narrate what happened

In our first example, we said to contact the hotline for inquiries and questions with regard to your situation. If that doesn’t work, contact your bank immediately. They might ask for critical information like the time of the occurrence, the location of the ATM where you made the transaction, the date, the amount that you put, etc.

These information would be what they would need in order for them to check and investigate on the concern. It would be best if you could provide everything they could ask from you. Don’t forget you need to give them your account number/card number.

If it doesn’t get straightened out, file a complaint to the bank

Like in my example, the money was totally debited from my account. The normal processing of this would be around 7 business days (give it 5-9 business days). If it doesn’t get addressed successfully or if it doesn’t get noticed by the bank or the ATM hotline, file a complaint directly addressed to the bank. Also include some of the relevant information like the receipt, a copy of your ATM card and your savings account proof, etc.

The last resort? BSP

If the bank was not able to address it smoothly and successfully within their given time frame, report the incident to the BSP. For sure, they would have a way to investigate on the account and work around the given situation.

Whatever amount, your money is your money, you should not take for granted the money that you earned. May it be Php200 or even Php10, 000, it’s still yours and you have all the right to file for a complaint if you are unsatisfied with the service. If you’re looking to file a complaint and is unsatisfied with it, you can officially file a complaint to BSP and they should take appropriate actions.

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